
Tech Quick Tip

What is a Virus?

Tech Glossary: What is a Virus?

Tech Glossary: What is a Virus? Virus is a term that is thrown around a lot. The easiest way to describe it is to think about your computer like the human body. A virus is an infection with varying degrees of severity. Some are just mild annoyances, eg. sluggish response,[...]
Avast glitched out - Computer holding an error sign

Avast had a glitch! – “DNS server isn’t responding”

Did your internet stop working Tuesday/Wednesday giving the error “DNS server isn’t responding” or something similar? If so, make sure to check your Avast Virus Definitions for updates. There was an error in the virus definitions that blocked DNS lookup requests. The issue has already been corrected in the 8/14/2018[...]
How to tell if you have a Computer Virus

How to tell if you have a Computer Virus

One of the most frequent things we hear when a client brings us their computer is, “I think I have a virus!”   Honestly, it can be difficult to tell if you have a virus and to be honest, it really is better to be safe than sorry. Even scarier[...]
No WiFi Signal

My wireless isn’t working! What we’re seeing & a simple fix for most…

Lately, we’ve been getting a lot of calls dealing with internet and wireless issues. While some have been due to malware/virus infections or hardware issues, many have been related to a similar cause… Microsoft Updates. Microsoft has been releasing a lot of updates recently. As is somewhat common, these updates[...]
Microsoft Support Scams on the rise

Microsoft Support Scams are on the rise again! This time they’re trickier.

Lately, we’ve notice a rise in the number of calls from people who have fallen victim to Microsoft Support Scams.  This isn’t a new problem and it has had several iterations, including phone calls. The current “version” is rather persistent. It normally starts as a pop-up, often filling the entire screen,[...]
Psinergy TechWarrior St. Paul - Your Virus Removal Experts

Hard Restart? Remember to Restart again…

Issue: Sometimes computers act up, and as a last resort you have to “hard power off” your computer by pressing and holding the power button until it turns off, then waiting a few seconds, then turn it back on again. You login, but things seem to not be running as[...]
Generic Android 5.1 is infected with a malicious virus.

Don’t be easily Fooled by these Viruses

This last holiday season (November and December) it seemed that we saw less viruses than normal, though it seems that advertisements containing viruses are on the rise. Here are some examples of malware and potential viruses in advertisements, or seemingly helpful system notices. We received these pop-ups on our mobile device[...]
Sick of the "Upgrade to Windows 10" messages? Turn them off!

Sick of the “Upgrade to Windows 10” messages? Turn them off!

Are you sick and tired of Windows 7 or Windows 8.x constantly offering you ‘friendly’ reminders to upgrade to Windows 10? These, for many, have turned very, very, very annoying, and for those who have attempted to go to Windows 10, and failed miserably… it’s only a constant irritation and complete with[...]
Tech Tip #14 - What runs at Boot?

Tech Tip #14 – What runs at Boot?

Tech Tip #14 – What runs at Boot? If you have a lot of icons in your system tray, check the settings for the programs you don’t need running and tell them not to start with Windows. ——————- For assistance with this or any other Tech Tip, please call us at[...]

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