
DNS-Changer Malware: Will you lose your internet on July 9th?

DNS-Changer Malware: Will you lose your internet on July 9th?

Will you lose internet on Monday, July 9th, 2012?

It has been all over the news today. If you are still infected by dns-changer malware, you may lose internet. Why?

The FBI seized web servers linked to some of these malware infections and have been keeping them running to give users more time to get their systems fixed. That will no longer be the case, on Monday.

There is an easy way to check if you’ll be affected, just go to http://dns-ok.us if you’re in the United States.

DNS-Changer Malware: Will you lose your internet on July 9th?If you don’t see green, you should get some help for your computer.

For the more adventurous, this site has some great instructions on steps you can take, as well as testing sites for other countries. http://www.dcwg.org/detect/

Also of note, this issue affects both Windows and Mac based systems.

If you need assistance getting this to work, please call us at 612-234-7237. Standard Phone Support is $49.95  per issue. http://stpaulvirusremoval.com/Windows.Repair.Services/PC.Phone.Support.htm

Background / For More information: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304141204577509211364560838.html?mod=dist_smartbrief

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