The base source code for a really nasty Android-based family of trojan viruses was released into public forums – for free – in December 2015, and from what we are hearing this family of viruses is on the rise on devices.
The GM Bot viruses (also called SlemBunk, Bankosy, as well as MazarBot) are a type of trojan with a primary goal, at this point, to gain your banking and financial data, credentials, etc. though on top of all of that can ‘root’ and wipe your device (meaning you would loose all your pictures, music, everything – basically “Bye Bye”). Additionally, what makes this trojan so nasty is that it can forward your phone calls, intercept SMS/Text messages, etc… which just makes it that much easier for these criminals to bypass any two-step authentication that you may have setup with your banking firms, or other sites to guard against identity theft type situations like this.
Get avast! Anti-Virus Mobile (SSL encrypted link)
Sources: cited/linked directly in article
(FYI — there is a link for a really good free anti-virus for Android devices at the bottom of the blog post that includes definitions for this virus)
Also, there are some other things to be mindful of beyond just having a good anti-virus installed.
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Barbara Ford says:
Do I need to do anything with my Android?